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Spring Show 
25th March 2017
Judge Mrs Ruth Gee (Watercroft)

Best In Show 

Belleville Ovation



Reserve Best In Show, Best Dog

Best Opposite Sex

Ch Kinsridge Back Chat

Reserve Best Bitch

Allright Black Bess (Imp)

                   Best Puppy In Show 

                   Kinsridge Snap Chat

Best Opposite Sex Puppy In Show

Belleville Salut

Best Veteran In Show

Wharfvalley Diamond Diva


Minor Puppy - Dog (3,0)
1 Mrs C S Thompson-Morgan - Belleville Salut BPD
2 Mrs S Walsh - Beritas The Name's Bond 
3 Mrs A Hess & Mr A Higgins - Umbrage Copacabana


Puppy - Dog (1,0)
1 Mrs C S Thompson-Morgan - Belleville Slipknot


Junior - Dog (2,0)
1 Mrs J R Stevenson - Brickin Pot Of Pickle
2 Mrs F Jellings & Mrs H Bakewell - Jaeva Look 'n' Look Again At Norwelston Lynjel


Yearling - Dog NO ENTRIES


Post Graduate - Dog (1,0)
1 Mr & Mrs G & S Brown - Dajean Dotty's Digger 

Limit - Dog (6,2)
1 Mrs D Britten - Krisma Dark N'stormy RBD
2 Mrs M E Atkinson - Charlie Blake at Moortop 
3 Mrs D Mounfield - Arderry Son Of A Gun
4 Mr & Mrs G & S Brown - Dajean Dotty's Digger


Open - Dog (3,1)
1 Miss D Jenkins - Ch Kinsridge Back Chat BD & RBIS
2 Mrs A Smith - Javidel May Just Have Too


Veteran - Dog (1,0)
1 Miss G Simpson - Umbrage Longton Cum Megalex


Minor Puppy - Bitch (5,1)
1 Miss D Jenkins - Kinsridge Snap Chat  BPIS
2 Mrs C S Thompson-Morgan - Belleville De Ja Vu
3 Mrs S Walshe - Beritas Bedevilled 
4 Mrs C S Thompson-Morgan - Belleville Oh My Darling


Puppy - Bitch (5,0)
1 Mr A Gullick & Mrs K Tate - Jaeva Blue Lagoon 
2 Miss J Phillips - Blakens Kiss It Better
3 Mrs A Smith - Javidel Darling Buds Of May 
4 Ms A P Brittain - Lexinor Rising Star
5 Mrs C S Thompson-Morgan - Belleville Uh Oh


Junior - Bitch (7,4)
1 Mr A Gullick & Mrs K Tate - Jaeva Keen As Mustard 
2 Mrs C S Thompson-Morgan - Belleville Cool Summer 
3 Miss A Edwards - Nosymitsio Big Rascal


Yearling - Bitch (5,0)
1 Mrs E D Darnell - Jacquidon No Hesitation 
2 Mrs M E Atkinson - Moortop Clear Choice
3 Mrs D Mounfield - Arderry Whoops A Daisy
4 Miss A Edwards - Nosymitsio Big Rascal
5 Mr P Graham - Crimson Thistle


Post Graduate - Bitch (7,3)
1 Mrs V Barker - Villassa Love Heart
2 Ms A P Brittain - Lexinor Belle Star
3 Miss F J Macartney - Nordalset Little Bit Of Sun For Ivrig
4 Mr P Graham - Crimson Thistle


Limit - Bitch (2,1)
1 Mrs C S Thompson-Morgan - Belleville Ovation BB & BIS


Open - Bitch (1,0)
1 Mrs C S Thompson-Morgan - Allright Black Bess (Imp) RBB


Veteran - Bitch (2,0)
1 Mrs P Green - Wharfvalley Diamond Diva BVIS
2 Mrs A Smith - Stridview Bluebell For Javidel

Spring Show 
25th March 2017
Judge Mrs Ruth Gee (Watercroft)

Best In Show 

Belleville Ovation



Reserve Best In Show, Best Dog

Best Opposite Sex

Ch Kinsridge Back Chat

Reserve Best Bitch

Allright Black Bess (Imp)

                   Best Puppy In Show 

                   Kinsridge Snap Chat

Best Opposite Sex Puppy In Show

Belleville Salut

Best Veteran In Show

Wharfvalley Diamond Diva


Minor Puppy - Dog (3,0)
1 Mrs C S Thompson-Morgan - Belleville Salut BPD
2 Mrs S Walsh - Beritas The Name's Bond 
3 Mrs A Hess & Mr A Higgins - Umbrage Copacabana


Puppy - Dog (1,0)
1 Mrs C S Thompson-Morgan - Belleville Slipknot


Junior - Dog (2,0)
1 Mrs J R Stevenson - Brickin Pot Of Pickle
2 Mrs F Jellings & Mrs H Bakewell - Jaeva Look 'n' Look Again At Norwelston Lynjel


Yearling - Dog NO ENTRIES


Post Graduate - Dog (1,0)
1 Mr & Mrs G & S Brown - Dajean Dotty's Digger 

Limit - Dog (6,2)
1 Mrs D Britten - Krisma Dark N'stormy RBD
2 Mrs M E Atkinson - Charlie Blake at Moortop 
3 Mrs D Mounfield - Arderry Son Of A Gun
4 Mr & Mrs G & S Brown - Dajean Dotty's Digger


Open - Dog (3,1)
1 Miss D Jenkins - Ch Kinsridge Back Chat BD & RBIS
2 Mrs A Smith - Javidel May Just Have Too


Veteran - Dog (1,0)
1 Miss G Simpson - Umbrage Longton Cum Megalex


Minor Puppy - Bitch (5,1)
1 Miss D Jenkins - Kinsridge Snap Chat  BPIS
2 Mrs C S Thompson-Morgan - Belleville De Ja Vu
3 Mrs S Walshe - Beritas Bedevilled 
4 Mrs C S Thompson-Morgan - Belleville Oh My Darling


Puppy - Bitch (5,0)
1 Mr A Gullick & Mrs K Tate - Jaeva Blue Lagoon 
2 Miss J Phillips - Blakens Kiss It Better
3 Mrs A Smith - Javidel Darling Buds Of May 
4 Ms A P Brittain - Lexinor Rising Star
5 Mrs C S Thompson-Morgan - Belleville Uh Oh


Junior - Bitch (7,4)
1 Mr A Gullick & Mrs K Tate - Jaeva Keen As Mustard 
2 Mrs C S Thompson-Morgan - Belleville Cool Summer 
3 Miss A Edwards - Nosymitsio Big Rascal


Yearling - Bitch (5,0)
1 Mrs E D Darnell - Jacquidon No Hesitation 
2 Mrs M E Atkinson - Moortop Clear Choice
3 Mrs D Mounfield - Arderry Whoops A Daisy
4 Miss A Edwards - Nosymitsio Big Rascal
5 Mr P Graham - Crimson Thistle


Post Graduate - Bitch (7,3)
1 Mrs V Barker - Villassa Love Heart
2 Ms A P Brittain - Lexinor Belle Star
3 Miss F J Macartney - Nordalset Little Bit Of Sun For Ivrig
4 Mr P Graham - Crimson Thistle


Limit - Bitch (2,1)
1 Mrs C S Thompson-Morgan - Belleville Ovation BB & BIS


Open - Bitch (1,0)
1 Mrs C S Thompson-Morgan - Allright Black Bess (Imp) RBB


Veteran - Bitch (2,0)
1 Mrs P Green - Wharfvalley Diamond Diva BVIS
2 Mrs A Smith - Stridview Bluebell For Javidel

25th Anniversary Show
21st October 2017
Judge Geir Flyckt-Pedersen
Louline USA


Reserve Best Bitch

Allright Black Bess (Imp)

25th Anniversary Show
21st October 2017
Judge Geir Flyckt-Pedersen
Louline USA


Reserve Best In Show, DCC

Best Opposite Sex

Ch Marchdens Mark My Words



Best Veteran IN Show 

Ch Valentines Cherry Crumble




Good Citizen - Dog (2,0)

1 Mr & Mrs G & S Brown - Dajean Dotty's Digger


Veteran – Dog (4,2)
1 Miss G Simpson - Umbrage Longton Cum Megalex 
2 Mrs M Ebbs – Watercroft Hot News


Special Vintage – Dog (1,0)

1 Mrs D M Rushby – Harrys A Hero


Minor – Puppy Dog (8,1)
1 Mrs R Gee – Watercroft Calling Time RDCC & BPIS
2 Miss D E Jenkins – Kinsridge Crackshot
3 Mrs C S Thompson-Morgan – Belleville Just Look
4 Mrs M McPhee – Kinsridge No Problem
5 Mrs C Atkinson - Belleville Just Call Me At Manybrook


Puppy – Dog (7,1)
1 Mrs R Gee - Watercroft Nightcap
2 Miss J Lloyd – Orison Ice Tee
3 Mrs J R Stevenson - Brickin Quite By Chance
4 Miss N Salminen - Nanstop Bvlgari
5 Mr D Walker - Roxypark Spring Time


Junior - Dog (6,0)
1 Miss K L Hurrion & Mrs Standens  – Villassa Jack Be Quick
2 Mrs S Walshe – Beritas The Name’s Bond
3 Miss D E Jenkins – Kinsridge Witty Banter
4 Mr J H Nunez - Cherokee At Treehouse (ATC AU01542USA)
5 Mr A Hess & Mr J Higgins - Umbrage Copacbana


Yearling – Dog (3,1)
1 Miss K L Hurrion – Villassa Jack Daniels
2 Mr J & Mrs A Sumowski - Dron Zamlicze (ATC AU000806POL)


Special Beginners – Dog (7,0)
1 Miss J Lloyd – Orison Ice Tee
2 Mr A G Money – Kinsridge Christmas Cracka
3 Mr D Walker -  Hedgefield Brucey Baby
4 Mrs M Baumbach – Wederdena’s Harry Beau 
5 Mr & Mrs G & S Brown - Dajean Dotty's Digger


Novice – Dog (4,1)
1 Mrs R Gee - Watercroft Nightcap
2 Mr J & Mrs A Sumowski - Dynamit Zamlice (ATC AU000803POL)
3 Mrs M Baumbach – Wederdena’s Harry Beau 

Post Graduate – Dog (3,0)
1 Miss K L Hurrion – Villassa Jack Daniels
2 Mr D Walker -  Hedgefield Brucey Baby
3 Mrs M Ebbs – Watercroft Hot News


Limit – Dog (8,1)
1 Mrs J Stevenson – Brickin Pot Of Pickle
2 Mrs M E Atkinson - Charlie Blake At Moortop
3 Mrs E Darnell – Jacquidon Tough As A Nut
4 Mrs D A Britten – Krisma Dark N’Stormy
5 Mrs F Jellings & Mrs H Bakewell - Jaeva Look 'n' Look Again At Norwelston Lynje

Open – Dog (6,2)
1 Miss D L Horne - Marchdens Mark My Words DCC
2 Mrs R Gee – CH Watercroft Chilli Pepper
3 Mr A Gullick & Ms G Van Stuivenberg - Ch Arderry Penny Red To Jaeva 
4 Miss K Hurrion & Mrs B Miller - Am CH Max-Wells Union Jack At Villassa (IMP USA)


Special Senior - Dog (2,0)
1 Mr I & Mrs K Sant – Nordalset Look To The Future
2 Mrs A Smith – Javidel May Just Have Too


Good Citizen – Bitch (2,1)
1 Miss F J MacCartney - Ivrig First Bit Of Joy


Veteran – Bitch (3,0)
1 Miss K L Hurrion – CH Valentines Cherry Crumble BVIS
2 Mrs P Green – Wharfvalley Diamond Diva
3 Mrs A Hess  Mr J Higgins – Umbrage Spode


Special Vintage – Bitch (1,0)
1 Mrs A Smith – Stridview Bluebell For Javidel


Minor Puppy – Bitch (8,2)
1 Mr B J Brackner – Bruperhat Wedding Crasher
2 Mrs R Gee – Watercroft Gold Dust
3 Miss D Jenkins - Kinsridge Billie Jean
4 Mrs C S Thompson-Morgan – Villassa Jelligello
5 Mrs B Cherry - Shanndi Against All Odds


Puppy – Bitch (7,2)
1 Mrs R Gee – Watercroft Pink Fizz BPB
2 Miss J T  Phillips -- Blakens Look No Further
3 Mrs M & Mr K Salminen – Nanstop Bik Bop
4 Miss H Campbell - Jelius Mion Shard
5 Mrs F Jellings & Mrs H Bakewell & Mrs K Tate - Jaeva Blossom TAF


Junior – Bitch (2,0)
1 Miss J Phillips - Marchdens Look To The Sky For Blakens  RBCC
2 Mrs R Gee – Watercroft Top Totty


Yearling – Bitch (4,1)
1 Miss K L Hurrion – Villassa Country Belle
2 Mrs S Walshe – Beritas Bedevilled
3 Mrs R Gee – Watercroft Suzie’Q


Special Beginners – Bitch (8,4)
1 Miss J Lloyd - Orison Midnight Stroll
2 Ms A Brittain - Lexinor Rising Star
3 Mr B J Brackner - Watercroft Shotgun Wedding
4 Ms J Freeman - Buttons Rambles


Novice – Bitch (6,0)
1 Miss L Harpham & Mr P Hulance – Diggery Hashtag Selfie
2 Mrs R Gee – Watercroft Pink Fizz
3 Mr B J Brackner - Watercroft Mixed Fortune
4 Mrs M E Atkinson - Moortop Candy Choice
5 Mrs F Jellings & Mrs H Bakewell & Mrs K Tate - Jaeva Blossom TAF


Post Graduate – Bitch (6,3)
1 Mrs E D Darnell - Jacquidon No Hestitation
2 Miss K L Hurrion – Villassa Too Choosi
2 Ms A Brittain - Lexinor Rising Star


Limit – Bitch (8,3)
1 Mrs C S Thompson-Morgan - Belleville Ovation
2 Miss K L Hurrion – Villassa Cherry Tart
3 Mrs R Gee - Watercroft Pop Picker
4 Mrs M E Atkinson - Moortop Clear Choice
5 Mr A Gullick & Mrs K Tate - Jaeva Keen As Mustard


Open - Bitch (7,1)
1 Miss D Jenkins - CH Kinsridge Top Tip BCC & BIS
2 Mrs R Gee - CH Watercroft Pick Of The Pops
3 Ms L Tandefelt - FIN CH Nanstop Bada Bing Bada Book (ATC AU01818FIN).

4 Mrs D A Britten -  CH Krisma Nip In The Air
5 Mrs C S Thompson-Morgan - Belleville Cool Summer


Special Senior - Bitch (2,1)
1 Mrs R Gee - CH Watercroft Top Tia:


Brace (9,5)
1 Miss K L Hurrion
2 Mrs S Walshe
3 Miss K L Hurrion
4 Mrs R Gee


 Midland Counties Norfolk Terrier Association - Critique

Certainly a huge honour to be given the incredible privilege to judge this show which was in celebration of  the clubs’ 25 years existence ! The committee had done an incredible job regarding as well organising as advertising. Norfolk Terrier enthusiasts came from many European countries as well as a strong contingent from the USA – and even I was told – from Australia. Also a  lovely and enjoyable dinner where I was presented with a lovely watercolour of our Norfolk Marcus painted by Pippa Thew. And not least important : The show attracted an entry of 104 made by 99 dogs. Chief Steward Max King did a great job keeping as well the judge as the exhibitors under control to make sure the time table was adhered to. Ably assisted by Claire Rogers , Preston Haffenden and Peter Baxter. The overall quality of the exhibits was far better than I had expected and many difficult and close decisions had to be made. I was very impressed with temperament- and I don’t think a single dog objected to being handled by the judge and most showed themselves off with great enthusiasm. One or two with too much enthusiasm, but I think it is only lovely to watch terriers being terriers !

Good Citizen - Dog  (1,0)
1. Dajean Dotty’s Digger  Strong masculine dog of a pleasing type . Excellent, body , bone , legs and feet. Lovely temperament and moved ok.  Incorrect bite.

Veteran - Dog (4,2)
1. Umbrage Longton Cum Megalex    8 years old  and in good shape. Pleasing head and expression . Longer in body than I like, but lovely bone and excellent coat texture. Irregular bite . Moved ok   2. Watercroft Hot News Just over 7 years old and a very nice shape and outline. Balanced head and short back , but incorrect bite and missing teeth. Moved ok.

Special Vintage (1,0)
1. Harry’s A Hero More than 12 years old and in good shape for his age. Nice type and outline, temperament and condition. Moved well. Irregular bite.

Minor Puppy - Dog (8,1)
1:Watercroft Calling Time  I really liked this young dog. Excellent type, with a lovely head ,ears and expression, perfectly balanced neck with a short back and perfect tail set. Lovely body for his age and moved well. Showed himself off with lots of attitude!. RCC  and BPIS  2. Kinsridge Crackshot   Aptly named young dog who has a lovely outline, good length of neck , short back , good coat and moved well. Another one with a bright future. 3.Belleville Just Look

Puppy Dog (7,1)
1. Watercroft Nightcap I liked his type, head , neck  & shortness of back. Excellent bone, legs and feet. Really on his toes and full of himself. 2.Orison Ice Tee  Liked his head and expression. Ok length of neck. Would like him shorter in back , Excellent bone and moved well. 3. Brickin Quite By Chance

Junior - Dog (6,0)
1.Villassa Jack Be Quick  Another very attractive young dog. Lovely head and expression, short back and excellent tailset. Moved well. In excellent coat and condition.  2. Beritas The Name’s Bond  This dog has a nice head and expression . Would like him  a little shorter. Good legs and feet . Moved well.  3 Kinsridge Witty Banter

Yearling - Dog (3,1)
1 Villassa Jack Daniels  I liked his overall balance, head  .Excellent body , bone , legs and feet. Presented in good coat and condition.  2. Dron Zamlicze Black and tan dog who has lots to like about him, but a little plain in head which affects his expression. Will most likely improve with maturity. Good body and bone. Moved ok and excellent coat texture.

Special Beginners (7,0)
1 Orison Ice Tee, 2. Kinsridge Christmas Cracka Black/tan. Very nice head and expression, short back, excellent coat and lovely temperament. 3. Hedgefield Brucey Baby

Novice - Dog (4,0)
1 Watercroft Nightcap, 2. Dynamit Zamlicze This dog  is of a nice type, but would like a better balanced head .Good body , excellent bone  and coat texture. Moved ok. 3. Wederdena’s Harry Beau

Post Graduate - Dog (3,0)
1 Villassa Jack Daniels  2 H Brucey Baby  This dog has a lovely temperament, ok head and ears, excellent body ,but would like a shorter back. 3. Watercroft Hot News

Limit - Dog (8,1)
1 Brickin Pot of Pickle  Liked him a lot. Excellent type with a good outline. Masculine with a short back, well angulated. Moved well. 2 Charlie Blake at Moortop  Nice dog and so well presented. Lots to like about him , but would like more strength of foreface. Moved ok coming and going , but would like more drive from the side.  3 Jacquidon Tough as a Nut

Open - Dog (6,2)
1 Ch Marchden’s Mark My Words I liked basically everything about this dog Super outline with good details all through. Moved well behind and moved freely with good extension round the ring . His tailset and carriage ideal and his coat and presentation flawless. Congratulations! CC & RBIS 2 Ch Watercroft Chilli Pepper  Another excellent male so full of quality. I love his type, overall balance and hindquarters. Well presented and a lovely showman. 3 Ch Arderry Penny Red to Jaeva

Special Senior - Dog (2,0)
1 Nordalset Look To The Future  This dog has a very nice head with a good expression. Would like shorter back, but excellent body, bone and coat. 2. Javidel May Just Have Too Quite a nice type, but would like a stronger muzzle and he is a little wide in front. Lovely coat texture and excellent temperament.

Good Citizen - Bitch (2,1)
1 Ivrig First Bit of Joy This girl has a nice head and expression , but rather overweight and coat not at its best. Lovely temperament.

Veteran - Bitch (3,0)
1 CH Valentine’s Cherry Crumble 9,5 years old. Lovely type and size. Would like more neck , but excellent body , coat texture . She moved well and showed herself off with youthful exuberance and moved well. BVIS 2. Wharfvalley Diamond Diva Lovely type and outline. Feminine head with a good expression. Balanced neck and body. Moved well behind and from the side. A little wide in front.  3 Umbrage Spode

Special Vintage - Bitch (1,0)
1 Stridview Bluebell for Javidel This girl is 10,5 years old. Fair type , ear carriage rather erratic and showed signs of having a lovely appetite ! Moved ok for her age and had a nice temperament.

Minor Puppy - Bitch (8,2)
1. Bruperhat Wedding Crasher This girl is well constructed and makes a nice silhouette. Her coat needs attention , but she moved and showed well.  2. Watercroft Gold Dust  Lovely temperament and attitude. Pleasing head and excellent coat.  Moved well. 3.Kinsridge Billie Jean

Puppy - Bitch  (7,2)
1 Watercroft Pink Fizz  Excellent type ,head and expression. Short back with excellent tailset and coat. Rather untamed , but a lovely attitude ! When cooling down , moved well.BPB  2 Blakens Look No Further Another promising girl who needs more discipline! I liked her type, head , neck , body and bone . With more practice will surely do well. 3. Nanstop Bik Bok

Junior - Bitch ( 2,0)
1 Marchdens Look To The Sky for Blakens  This young lady stole my heart. Lovely type, head , neck and short body with a good tailset. Moved freely round the ring with ease and good extension. Excellent colour , ok coat texture , lovely temperament and attitude . Will follow her future career with interest. RBCC 2 . Watercroft Top Totty 13 months old , she has a feminine head with a good expression. Excellent body and bone. Moved well from the side. Still a little unsettled coming and going. But lovely attitude!

Yearling - Bitch (4,1)
1.Villassa Country Belle Lovely type. Liked her head, neck , topline and tailset. Well angulated front and aft. Shown in good coat . Moved and showed well .  2.Beritas Bedevilled  Another nice girl who has a very nice head with a typical expression. Good ear carriage , neck, body and tailset. Moved soundly. 3  Watercroft SuzieQ

Special Beginners - Bitch (8,4)
1 Orison Midnight Stroll Fair head , but would like a stronger foreface. Short back with good bone. Excellent coat texture and lovely temperament. 2.Lexinor Rising Star This bitch has a nice head , good body , but ear carriage rather erratic. Good bone. Moved ok. 3. Watercroft Shotgun Wedding

Novice - Bitch (6,0)
1 Diggery Hashtag Selfie  Feminine and attractive. Pleasing head and expression.Shown in excellent coat. Moved well from all angles and showed herself off with style and temperament.  2. Watercroft Pink Fizz  3 Watercroft Mixed Fortune

Post Graduate - Bitch ( 6,3)
1 Jacquidon No Hesitation  .Excellent type, head ,ears and expression. Short and compact with good bone. Excellent coat and moved well.  2 Villassa Too Choosi  Very pretty and feminine. Moved well from all a angles. Liked her a lot, but not in the best of coats on the day. 3. Lexinor Rising Star

Limit - Bitch (8,3)
1. Belleville Ovation   Such a lovely type , outline and makes a great silhouette. Balanced head , but would like more strength of muzzle.  Good neck , short back with good tailset . Well angulated both ends and she moved well. In good coat and condition.  2. Villassa Cherry Tart   Another typy and well proportioned bitch of quality..Good topline and tailset. Coat ok. A sound mover with lovely temperament.  3. Watercroft Pop Picker

Open - Bitch (7,1)
1 Ch Kinsridge Top Tip   The Star of the Show for me . Every part of her is excellent. Having never seen her close up before I was more than impressed- and to describe her would only be listing superlatives. In lovely coat and condition. Her performance flawless. I was told that this was her 33rd CC, which gave her the breed record. Congratulations !!!  CC & BEST IN SHOW  2.Ch. Watercroft Pick of the Pops  Another bitch of outstanding type and quality. Excellent head, neck , body and bone. Moved well. Just a touch reserved on the table , but moved and showed well.  3.F Ch Nanstop Bada Bing Bada 

Special Senior - Bitch (1,0)
1. Ch Watercroft Top Tia  6 years old . Oustanding for type with an excellent head, super expression, neck, body coat and temperament. Just a shade over weight. I was very impressed with the similar type and quality of all exhibits carrying this prefix !

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